Grant Geek Diva

Dawn Duncan

So, I’ve been reading some books lately that have gotten my mind going about how critical people are of government and how there are so many things we take for granted that government does. It made me start feeling prompted to write some blog posts about it. As a grant writer, I have certainly seen firsthand how government funding has been instrumental in helping my clients help people with a wide range of things. Some of these things are really basic needs such as food, shelter and health care. Some are not so obvious, but nonetheless really important such as being able to test model programs that help keep kids off drugs or help someone with addiction get free of it and end up giving back big time to the community. There are so many that it’s diffficult to know where to begin.

Thus, I thought it might be good to start with the super basic description of government and how it is structured in a really big picture way as a framework. When I was in elementary school (or grade school as we called it), we had social studies (i.e. civics) from a young age and I remember learning about the federal government and the constitution as a young child. I just assumed everybody knows how the government is structured but I’ve learned in recent years, they don’t!